Keeping Safe When Banking Online

Online banks have transformed the banking industry and have a lot to offer their customers. Customers may also benefit from higher interest rates on checking and savings accounts, as well as lower transaction fees. For these two reasons, people do not simply switch to Farmers Bank online and enjoy the convenience of modern banking. As with most things you do online, you must protect your account from hackers and thieves. There are numerous safe methods of working online. Check out these four tips for protecting your online banking right now.

Make Secure Passwords

The FDIC must assist the majority of online banks. This demonstrates that you can rely on the services they provide. Even if you have the label, hackers can still gain access to your accounts if you do not take the necessary precautions. Making a one-of-a-kind, difficult-to-crack password is one way to keep yourself safe. It is critical to understand that hackers can gain access to your account if you use a weak password. These hackers may violate the law in order to gain access to your account and steal your money or personal information. When this happens, it can be difficult to get things back to normal. Making passwords that are difficult to guess is the best way to keep hackers at bay. It’s also important to change your passwords frequently and to avoid using the same one for multiple websites. Don’t write down your passwords so that others can easily find them. Rather than writing them down, try to remember them.

Frequently Check Your Account

Maintain a record of how money enters and exits your online account. It’s easier to keep track of things now that smartphones and secure internet are commonplace. This is how you find out-of-the-ordinary things. Any indication of fraud should be immediately reported to the bank’s customer service. Any minor change in your bank account should raise an alarm, but you won’t know what it is unless you keep an eye on it. If your account is hacked, you may be required to show proof to your bank that the transactions did not originate from your account.

Clear Your Cookies and History

It’s possible that in order to access your bank account, you’ll need to make use of a public Wi-Fi network. In this scenario, you should ensure that you do not leave any evidence of your bank login or financial transactions on the device. Rather than that, remove the history and cache from the device. You should also generate a new password in order to increase the level of protection it provides. When using a public network, the data traveling between your device and the network can be snooped on, and your passwords can be guessed. Your likelihood of getting hacked will rise as a result of this. When things don’t go as planned, it’s always best to err on the side of caution rather than regret.

Safeguard Your Wi-Fi

A wireless router not only connects your computers and other devices but also allows anyone within range to connect to your network. This is especially dangerous when using public Wi-Fi hotspots, which can be set up in coffee shops, libraries, and other public gathering places.

If you’re concerned about the security of your data on public Wi-Fi networks, there are several ways to secure your home network. Continue reading to learn how to keep your home Wi-Fi secure.

When configuring a new router, the first thing you must do is change the password. Every router has an admin panel where you can modify settings such as the network name and password. If you can’t access your router’s admin panel, you may need to contact customer service to reset it. If this occurs, contact your Internet service provider (ISP) immediately and request that they reset it for you.

Install antivirus software to protect yourself from viruses. Antivirus software is beneficial for both laptops and desktop computers that are linked to wireless networks. Antivirus software will protect you if one of your devices becomes infected with malware or spyware that attempts to steal personal information from other computers in your network (like emails or usernames).

Configure Safety Alerts

Configure mobile alerts. You may receive a text message or an email if someone else uses your account. Set this up in your account by going to Alerts & Notifications. Under “Account Activity,” you’ll find a link to configure these alerts.

Set up email alerts: You can also receive emails when something new occurs in your accounts, such as a new payment being made or when one is due. You can configure this for most accounts by logging in and going to the alerts and notifications settings. If you sign up for Telebanking through our automated phone system, you can receive alerts by phone call or text message (ATM).

Select a Trusted Online Bank

This should be the first and most critical step if you place a high value on your financial resources. It’s possible for hackers to establish websites that look like they belong to banks. Verify that the online bank you plan to use is legitimate before you send any personal information or money to the account numbers listed above. First, you need to make sure that they are insured by the FDIC and that they have a large number of assets that you can count on. Think about the quality of the customer service before you choose how to put money into your account or take cash out of an ATM before you make your decision. You should also think about the bank’s reputation, which is especially important if the financial institution has been around for a long period.

Last Thoughts

Online security is critical at all times, but it is especially critical when banking online. Here are some ideas to get you started. When banking online, you should also be aware of your bank’s policies and what you may be required to pay if your account is hacked. Knowing these rules will make you feel better. More information is available at If you have any further questions, please contact us.